Booth Exhibits
Our group loves to build stuff - and we LOVE to show it off! Every event we go to, members bring their packs, games, props, memorabilia, and anything else they can find to make our booths awesome. Below is a sample of things you might see at our table. On any given day, who knows what you’ll find!
Professional Photo Ops
In 2024, we built our very own Hook & Ladder firehouse! Swing over and get a photo. You can even wear a proton pack!
Containment Unit
When the light is green, the trap is clean! No Ghostbusters Firehouse is complete without a good Containment Unit. Our unit is available for photos. To help us keep the ghosts inside, please do not touch this exhibit.
Ghostbusters Sound Board
This is an exhibit you CAN touch. This is a custom, Massachusetts Ghostbusters exclusive item. Press any of the buttons to hear sounds and quotes from the movies and The Real Ghostbusters cartoon. The quote buttons can have up to ten different movie lines on them, so hang out and hear them all.
Ghostbusters Arcade
Play with a friend or team up with a Ghostbuster to test your skill with our Ghostbusters Arcade Game.
Ghostbusters Training
The junior Ghostbusters that visit us can practice their skills. Slimer has volunteered to help as trainees blast a Nerf blaster to hit the targets. This is another custom, Massachusetts Ghostbusters exclusive exhibit.
Enter into one of our raffles for a chance to win a bundle of Ghostbusters goodies. Items have included toys, apparel, collectibles, and even Lego sets.